I know the title sounds strange but in marketing this is what we want to accomplish.  The first time a prospect sees your ad or hears a your radio spot or views your website, etc. theses are all first touches in the sales and marketing process.  Then as you continuously market to them they are touched more and more until finally they make the decision to do business with you.

The important thing to remember is when creating these touches you use your brand identity.  If not then every time they see your message it will be like they are seeing it for the first time and this is bad.  In marketing we want people to build feelings of knowing and trusting you when they see your marketing message. They also want to know you can give them what they want.

By using your brand identity it allows you to stand out and more importantly be remembered.  Most times when we respond to an ad in print or on the web it’s because we have seen it many times before acting.  Then over time it goes from our subconscious to our conscious.  This is another reason why frequency is so important as well.

A one, two touch.

Make sure wherever you are advertising it directs people to your website.  This is a one two touch.  Your ad gets them curious and then your website gives them more information about your products and services.  Since most of us use the web for research before doing business with a company your website should answers the questions that might arise from the ad and your other marketing. 

Give people value when they get to your website.  Give them articles from you and third party sources about your products and services.  People want to know other peoples thoughts on your industry, product or service. (This is called market data.) Better to give it to them on your website first.

So remember the more touches the more they will remember you and the more will become your customers.

Your comments are always appreciated.