Strategic Marketing Blog

A few new website launches

Manchester Police Department It has been designed to not only make the Police Division more transparent, but also to make frequently used information easily accessible. Thank you to Chief Klimakowski and his officers! EzShidduch is a Jewish dating website specifically focusing on the needs of the Yeshiva community. They have a state of the art searchable [...]

2016-11-21T16:28:46+00:00Press Releases|

It’s nuts!

Some companies spend millions on their brick and mortar stores. Thousands on a lease. Many more thousands tied up in inventory. Then they have to pay personnel, insurance, etc. But when it comes to creating a killer website and memorable brand for their company they try to do it for under $500.00. Are these the [...]

Do you QR?

An ArchRival study of "college students" found that 78.5% didn’t know how to scan a QR code. So what is the easy fix? Place text next to it that says "scan our QR code for great deals" or whatever. Here is another great tip. If you are using a QR code in your marketing MAKE [...]

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